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A Concise Guide to Lecturing in Higher Education and the Academic Professional Apprenticeship
AUTHOR : By Duncan Hindmarch, Lynn Machin, Sandra Murray, Tina Richardson and Helen Walmsley-Smith
ISBN : 9781913063696
Edition No : 1
Publication : Sep 7, 2020
Extent : 162 pgs
ISBN : 9781913063719
Edition No : 1
Publication : Sep 7, 2020
Extent : 162 pgs
ISBN : 9781913063702
Edition No : 1
Publication : Sep 7, 2020
Extent : 162 pgs
ISBN : 9781913063726
Edition No : 1
Publication : Sep 7, 2020
Extent : 162 pgs
Ideal for lecturers new to delivering higher education in universities, colleges and the private sector. It is specifically organised to cover the requirements of the new Academic Professional Apprenticeship, both teaching and research specialisms, and also supports lecturers undertaking the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education.
- The contents are fully mapped to the Higher Education Academy’s UK Professional Standards Framework and the VITAE research standards.
- It is designed for both teaching and research lecturer apprenticeship routes and includes clear guidance to help pass the end-point assessment.
- There is a focus on the holistic development of the academic professional within the current context of higher education.
- The critical and reflective academic professional
- Introduction to teaching and learning in HE
- Widening participation and meeting learner needs
- Supervision, assessment and feedback
- Developing and ensuring a high-quality curriculum
- Becoming a research practitioner
- Leading change
- Preparing for the end-point assessment
Duncan Hindmarch is Award Leader for Lifelong Learning Teacher Training and the Foundation Degree in Education at Staffordshire University. He has over 15 years' teaching experience, having worked overseas and in the UK. With a background in Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages, he has been involved in developing and delivering ESOL and Initial Teacher Training programmes since 2005.
Lynn Machin is Award Leader and Senior Lecturer within the School of Education at Staffordshire University. She has over 20 years’ experience of teaching in post-14 education. Lynn has had a variety of roles within initial teacher education (ITE) including developing and writing the modules that make up the suite of qualifications within ITE in the FE and Skills Sector.
Sandra Murray is a Curriculum Leader and Advanced Practitioner in the Department of Teacher Training at Newcastle-under-Lyme College. She has a wide range of experience supporting and teaching teachers in the lifelong learning sector and has been teaching on Initial Teacher Education programmes since 2005.
Tina Richardson is an Award Leader and Manager of the Lifelong Learning Development Centre within the School of Education at Staffordshire University. She has worked in compulsory, further and higher education, with the last 15 years focusing on Adult Literacy, Language and Numeracy and teacher education for the FE and Skills Sector. Tina has worked on a consultancy basis for a number of organisations such as LSIS, SVUK and CfBT.
Helen Walmsley-Smith is an educational and e-learning developer in the Academic Development Unit at Staffordshire University. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and works with staff across the university to support the HEA programme and the use of technology to enhance learning. She has over 25 years of experience in teaching and academic development and her research interests include effective learning design for online courses.
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This book certainly lives up to its title. It is concise and well structured, containing a wealth of useful information and suggestions for educating the older or adult student. It covers well detailed topics ranging from self-reflection and an introduction to teaching and learning, through to assessment of students and career development....