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Post Compulsory Teacher Educators: Connecting Professionals

Post Compulsory Teacher Educators: Connecting Professionals

AUTHOR : By Jim Crawley Series edited by Ian Menter

ISBN : 9781910391860

Publication : Oct 10, 2016

Extent : 80 pgs


This book provides a call to action for post-compulsory teacher education professionals, both in the UK and internationally, to unite around key principles and practices. The professional, educational and funding turbulence experienced by post-compulsory teacher education since 2008 has been significant. Austerity[MORE]


1)    Becoming visible:  introducing the ‘invisible educators’

2)    Teacher Educators: the ‘even more’ quality

3)    The filling in the educational sandwich: the context of Post Compulsory Education

4)    The history and development of Post Compulsory[MORE]


Jim Crawley a senior lecturer in education studies and a Teaching Fellow at Bath Spa University. He has over 35 years’ teaching experience, including teacher education, basic skills and adult and community learning. He co-ordinated post-compulsory teacher education at Bath Spa University for 12 years, gaining two[MORE]

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Your Reviews on this book

The text offers a wide range of suggestions and ideas for educators engaging in post compulsory education. It touches on the fact that this sector is often a ‘forgotten’ area and more needs to be done to develop colleagues within this area. The text offers a wide range of practical advice, guidance and models of good practice. It is accessible, engaging and allows the busy practitioner an opportunity to develop core skills in a succinct and thoughtful way.  It is a compact read filled with helpful support and an insightful chapter on ‘[e]nacting teacher education values, by Dr Vicky Duckworth. The text makes clear links to theory and specific advice on how to address core issues.

Lizana Oberholzer, NASBTT
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