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Supporting Behaviour by Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
A Guide for Classroom Teachers
AUTHOR : By Victor Allen
ISBN : 9781912508006
Edition No : 2
Publication : Aug 30, 2018
Extent : 156 pgs
ISBN : 9781912508020
Edition No : 2
Publication : Aug 30, 2018
Extent : 156 pgs
ISBN : 9781912508013
Edition No : 2
Publication : Aug 30, 2018
Extent : 156 pgs
ISBN : 9781912508037
Edition No : 2
Publication : Aug 30, 2018
Extent : 156 pgs
The behaviour of students is a common concern and challenge for those working in schools. In addition there is continued government emphasis on behaviour as an important educational issue. This new and fully revised edition of Understanding and Supporting Behaviour through Emotional Intelligence is suitable for all trainees and teachers. It takes a fresh approach to the issues around behaviour with an emphasis on building learners’ resilience and developing emotional intelligence.
In particular, the new edition:
- has been updated with the latest legislation, including Ofsted and SEND guidelines
- includes new research on the brain and social competence development
- addresses the continuing decline in social and emotional intelligence of learners
- emphasises strategies to build resilience
- includes a new section on the stages of adolescence
- considers a whole school approach to the issues
- provides new or revised case studies throughout
- is relevant for both primary and secondary teachers
Foreword by Jonny Mitchell
- Where are we now and how have we got here?
- Young people and behaviour
- Understanding self
- The emotionally intelligent classroom
- Emotionally and socially intelligent relationships
- Changing behaviour
- Support staff and SEND
- Developing your own leadership style
Victor Allen works as a freelance consultant in the educational, charitable and business sectors, providing training for behaviour and leadership issues and advising on implementing school improvement plans for emotional and social intelligence. He has developed whole school mental security programmes for primary, secondary, independent and special schools, and for two years worked with the Queen’s Trust in supporting the CEOs and staff of some of the major youth charities in the UK. He is a regular key note speaker at conferences and training events.
Publication Overview
Your Reviews on this book
Thank you for sending me a copy of this most excellent text which I have recommended to Secondary PGCE students at BGU. I consider the text to be a useful guide to developing a sound understaninf of behaviour for learning. I have also added the book to reading lists for MA and postgraduate students working within our school of Professional Development. We have a range of modules related to professional practice and this text applies theoretical nuance to practical recognition. In addition to this, the focus on emotional intelligence is a timely balance to policy directives on 'discipline' and enables students to develop a more critical position in their analysis. Anecdotally, my daughter, who is Head of Drama at an outstanding school in London has also read the book with great interest and passed it to colleagues within the school. In short, this book has received excellent endorsements from classroom and university practitioners and I have no hesitation in highly recommending the work in a variety of educational context.
I liked the way the book was written in a focused manner and the way it challenged the reader to take time to think and answer questions as they read - It has the potential to impact teacher thinking and actions.
The book is useful as it is written in quite a readable style and presents cases for consideration, so it isn't completely theory based. Also it asks my students to consider something they may not have thought about previously as they have largely been successful within the education system to be on the course.